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House with exterior lighting
October 02, 2023

Tips On Fresno Home Security Landscaping To Shield Your Home

Landscaping is known to add appeal, function, and value to properties. But it will also impact your home’s security. Explore the following Fresno home security landscaping recommendations and see how to better protect your home.

No. 1: Keep Your Yard Neat And Tidy

Does your yard make the right impression? A well-tended landscape with a manicured lawn, pruned shrubs, and defined mulch beds lets onlookers know you’re mindful of your surroundings. Conversely, neglected grass and weeds suggest you’re lax about your yard and might not put an emphasis on your home’s security either. Don’t make your residence a target by conveying the wrong image.

No. 2: Cast Light On Your Fresno Landscape

Darkness is preferred by thieves as they wish to stay out of sight. Don’t make it easy on them. Instead, implement different kinds of illumination around your landscape. You likely already use a front porch light, but you should include motion-detecting lights in strategic areas like your sliding patio door or garage. Install solar lights beside a garden path and accent lighting by retaining walls or trees. By doing so, you can remove probable hiding spots while bringing a distinctive touch to your yard. You might even program inside smart bulbs to switch on when motion is detected outdoors.

No. 3: Keep Your Sightline Clear

You should be able to observe all areas of your yard from inside. Keep plants at three feet tall or less so you don’t block your sightline. If you’re buying new plants, check the label to know the mature size. In general, it’s best to steer clear of hedges and taller plant life, especially around entry points like garage doors.

No. 4: Keep An Eye On Your Yard With Exterior Cameras

Exterior cameras are one of the most powerful crime deterrents. The mere sight of them is enough to dissuade most possible thieves. With that in mind, keep your outdoor surveillance in clear view but high enough off the ground so it can't be tampered with. When you're not home, you can peek at live video clips using your handy mobile security app. To enhance your peace of mind, notifications can be delivered directly to your phone if your devices detect suspect activity.

No. 5: Defensive Flora Adds A Layer To Your Fresno Home Security Landscaping

Not too many prowlers will wish to climb through a prickly plant to access your first-floor window. You’ll need to select plants suitable for your area, but you might go with rose bushes, dwarf bougainvillea, holly, and gooseberry bushes as defensive vegetation. Don’t forget, your plant life needs to be less than three feet tall if placed outside of windows, and if you have little ones, they may not be the right choice.

Support Your Safety-Focused Landscape With A Home Security System In Fresno

An innovative home defense system from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the best complement to your Fresno home security landscaping. Our comprehensive packages provide the latest tools like exterior surveillance, automation, and control through vocal commands. In addition, our home security sign will look tremendous in your well-maintained yard. Call (559) 212-3897 today and customize a system to your home’s precise requirements.